Preparation Check List

Below is quick checklist that needs to be completed before an aerial application:
  • Crops Identified - To be sprayed and surrounding crops.
  • Product Label - Does the application fit within label requirements?
  • Chemical Rates - Are the rates correct as per the product label?
  • Water Rates - Are the rates correct as per the product label?
  • Chemical Supplier - Where is the chemical being supplied from?
  • Map - Is the map correct and everything marked? i.e. power lines.
  • Neighbours - Have you contacted all your neighbours?
  • Field Workers - Are workers present and have they been notified?
  • Susceptible Crops - Including neighbours and your own?
  • Hazards - Houses, power lines, pastures, roads, waterways, stock routes, grazing stock, fences and any other tall hazards. Are these marked on the map and listed on the application order form?
  • Nearest Airstrip - Is water available?